List of courses

MANDATORY: For non-physics students.

OBJECTIVES: Provide a quantum mechanics background for engineers and non-physics scientists to establish the common framework and language necessary to quantum technologies development.

OPTIONS: This course may be taken at your home institution as long as it covers the necessary content (see below). Equivalencies will be examined as needed, on demand (a list of currently approved equivalents is available below). The course GEI 777Mécanique quantique pour ingénieurs at Université de Sherbrooke is open to QSciTech participants from all institutions. It has been specifically developed for engineers and science students without training in quantum mechanics, providing them all the necessary classical physics and mathematics background during the first weeks. This course is available by videoconference. Offered in French only.

CONTENT: The course should cover the notions of how to model a quantum system using the postulates and quantification rules of quantum mechanics, and how to perform calculations on a quantum system and predict the possible results of measurements on this system using Dirac notation and the postulates of quantum mechanics. Thus the course will cover the Schrödinger equation and wave mechanics, the wave function, the probabilistic interpretation of the wave function, the mathematics of quantum mechanics, Dirac notation (bras, kets), the tensor product of vector spaces, postulates of quantum mechanics, quantification rules, Heisenberg uncertainty relations, preparation of a quantum state, selection rules, spin 1/2 and two-level systems, and the harmonic oscillator. Technological applications (wells/steps/potential barriers and applications in electronic devices), basic numerical methods for solving the Schrödinger equation, quantum metrology with quantized mechanical oscillator, elements of magnetic resonance and quantum computing, and quantum logic gates will also be studied.

Currently approved equivalents

Université de Sherbrooke
GEI777 - Mécanique quantique pour ingénieurs
Concordia University
PHYS 601 - Advanced Quantum Mechanics
McGill University
PHYS 357 - Quantum Physics I (+ PHYS 457)
McGill University
PHYS 457 - Honours Quantum Physics 2 (+ PHYS 357)

MANDATORY: For non-engineering students.

OBJECTIVES: Provide non-engineering students with a strong background in modern engineering design and project management paradigms, which are traditionally absent from their curricula, in order to establish the common framework and language necessary to quantum technologies development.

OPTIONS: This course may be taken at your home institution as long as it covers the necessary content (see below). Equivalencies will be examined as needed, on demand (a list of currently approved equivalents is available below). The course GEI 911Basics of engineering design and project management in technologies for scientists at Université de Sherbrooke is open to QSciTech participants from all institutions. This is a 3 credits course given in the flipped classroom format over 15 weeks, with case studies in quantum technologies. It is available by videoconference (French and English).

CONTENT: The course must cover notions of engineering design illustrated with simple concrete examples, traditionnal project management (emergence & definition, project planning & organization, and realization & finish), concepts and metrics of project management (Gantt chart, cost evaluation, S-curves, stage-gating, risk analysis, change management, resources, supplies, communication, documentation, and integration), and an introduction to agile and extreme methods in a context of complexity and uncertainty.

Currently approved equivalents

Université de Sherbrooke
GEI911 – Bases en conception et en gestion de projet technologique
Simon Fraser University
ENSC 820 - Engineering Management for Development Projects
Foundations of Project Management I
Foundations of Project Management II
McGill University
ECSE 211 - Design Principles and Methods

MANDATORY: For all trainees.

OBJECTIVES: Help students establish and expand the professional skills necessary to build, support, and grow the quantum industry. Foster student’s business-awareness/intelligence about quantum technologies so that they develop the instinct to foresee and seize commercial opportunities.

OPTIONS: This course may be taken at your home institution as long as it covers the necessary content (see below). Equivalencies will be examined as needed, on demand (a list of currently approved equivalents is available below). The course EFD 962/912Entrepreneurship and scientific research/ Entreprenariat et recherche scientifique at Université de Sherbrooke is open to QSciTech participants from all institutions. EFD962/912 is given in the form of five (5) 1-day workshops. This course is offered by the Centre Compétences Recherche+ (CR+) in both English and French, and is available by videoconference. Also, equivalents to this course can be taken at other universities or with the Mitacs program (see below).

CONTENT: The course should cover notions such as entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial skills, the business startup process, principles of innovation and creativity, work team management in an innovation context, commercial and social evaluation of innovation, etc.

Currently approved equivalents

Université de Sherbrooke
EFD912 - Entrepreneuriat et recherche scientifique
Concordia University
GPCB597 - Venture beyond academia to go from research to industry
Université Laval
Programme PAVEUL d’éveil à l’entrepreneuriat destiné aux étudiants(es) de 2e et 3e cycle et postdoctorants(es) en sciences et technologie
Simon Fraser University
ENSC 410 – The Business of Engineering
Discovering the Entrepreneur Within
Université de Sherbrooke
EFD962 - Entrepreneurship and scientific research

MANDATORY: For all trainees.

OBJECTIVES: Help students establish and expand the professional skills necessary to build, support, and grow the quantum industry. Foster student’s business-awareness/intelligence about quantum technologies so that they develop the instinct to foresee and seize commercial opportunities.

OPTIONS: This course may be taken at your home institution as long as it covers the necessary content (see below). Equivalencies will be examined as needed, on demand (a list of currently approved equivalents is available below). The course EFD 909Intellectual property management and strategies/ Stratégies et gestion de la propriété intellectuelle at Université de Sherbrooke is open to QSciTech participants from all institutions. EFD909 is given in the form of four (4) 1-day workshops. This course is offered by the Centre Compétences Recherche+ (CR+) in both English and French, and is available by videoconference. Also, equivalents to this course can be taken at other universities or with the Mitacs program (see below).

CONTENT: The course should cover notions such as the different formats of intellectual property (IP), concepts of IP protection, choosing the best strategy to protect an innovation, patentable objects, patenting criterias and validity, patenting process and traps to avoid, litigation, joint property and transfer, introduction to IP portfolio management, etc.

Currently approved equivalents

Université de Sherbrooke
EFD909 - Stratégies et gestion de la propriété intellectuelle - Intellectual property management and strategies
Concordia University
GPLL252 - Intellectual Property - Patenting your research
Mitacs offers courses/workshops (see their complete list)

MANDATORY: For all trainees.

OBJECTIVES: Immerse students in concrete problem-solving situations to develop teamwork abilities, which are essential for engineering increasingly complex technologies requiring a synthesis of different expertise. Help students integrate quantum science, engineering, and professional skills in their problem-solving approach. 

OPTIONS: The course ACT 800 Modèles d’affaires de projets entrepreneuriaux de technologies quantiques at Université de Sherbrooke is open to QSciTech participants from all institutions. It is mandatory for all QSciTech trainees and there is no approved equivalency. The course is offered in both English or French depending on the student’s needs, and online videoconferencing is possible, although attendance in person is favored.

CONTENT: The course consists of two 2-month problem-based-learning (PBL) units, each being a case-study in quantum technologies addressing theoretical calculations, modeling and design, project planning & management, targeted applications/needs - market study, intellectual property, and business intelligence, as in real-life R&D for commercialization. Trainees from all backgrounds will work in small interdisciplinary teams (~4) on one or two specific quantum technologies of their choice. Students learn to transform an idea for a quantum technology into a business model, through 8 meetings (3-hours each) spread across the trimester. Each team will be coached by an experienced group of tutors specialized in the different aspects of the case studies. This course is offered by the Management School at UdeS, and is the backbone course of the QSciTech program. 

Currently approved equivalents

Université de Sherbrooke
ACT800 - Business models for entrepreneurial projects in quantum technologies

* Other courses may be recognized with approval. Contact us